Our Programs

Patient Centered Care specifically tailored for each individual. Stop masking the symptoms and  get to the root cause

What is Functional Medicine?

Functional Medicine is by definition an approach to identifying the root cause of disease. For starters let’s breakdown that word, dis-ease or the state of being the opposite of ease. That’s what disease is, your body not at ease and exhibiting signs and symptoms associated with that dis-ease. Your body is communicating with you in the only way it knows how, it’s telling you a story. Functional medicine is about gathering the information we need to interpret your body’s story, what it’s trying to communicate to us. Then tracing it back to a root cause. Our society has been so programmed by conventional medicine to take medication to get rid of the sign or symptom, but that is essentially telling your body to “shut up”. The problem is still there, your body will not stop exhibiting that symptom until it has the imbalance corrected…the medication you take just covered up the symptoms for awhile. Ever wonder why you must STAY on the medications? Yes, to keep stopping your body’s communication.

Is a Functional Medicine Program right for me?

With over 12 years of clinical experience in holistic healing arts such as chiropractic, nutrition, herbal therapies and personal training Dr. Thibodeaux has created thoughtfully laid out programs designed to address what the body is telling you. Each program is highly individualized to the practice member. Once you go through one of the programs you will have the option of maintenance memberships. Dr. Thibodeaux’s goal is to empower her practice members to take control of their own by giving them the knowledge they need and how to leverage that knowledge for long-term health. You know your body better than anyone and you also know you need to listen to it. Book a discovery call now  and let your body tell its story.

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Gut Program Option

Is designed to  address food allergies and inflammation in the gut.

We also work to balance the delicate gut biome by testing for imbalances in the “good” and “bad” bacteria in your Gut. You probably did not know that over 80% of the immune system comes from your gut. It’s good to keep it balanced and optimal. Dr. Thibodeaux will start by ordering nutrient and food allergy testing to determine any sensitivities and deficits.

1 specialized test is included in this plan and that test result will help us tell what’s going on in the gut and if the right or wrong bugs are overpopulating and creating chaos. Here’s what’s included:

1. Gut Bugs Program:

3-month program-$3099 if paid in full


-60 minute virtual discovery call

-1 specialty labs

-nutrient testing and food sensitivity

-1 45 minutes review of findings

-6  30-minutes telemed visits (twice a month for 3 months)

-3 month of meal plans (evaluated and adjusted each month)

-20% off of quality supplements

-HIPPA Compliant emailing during office hours

-Copy of Food my Prescription Book

-Well World App for 3 months

2. Gut Bugs Program:

6 week- $1499 if paid in full


-60 minute virtual discovery call

-6 weeks of meal planning

-1 Nutrient test and food allergy

-1 45 minutes review of findings

-2    30-minutes telemed visits (every 3 weeks to alter meal/supplements)

-20% off quality supplements

-Well World App

-Copy of my Food Prescription Book

Hormones 911

This plan is designed for women of all ages from early teen to post-menopausal and for gentlemen as well. .

 A delicate balance of the hormones are essential to men and women. Think of the hormones in your body like a peaceful eosystem. All things symbiotically working together beautifully and peacefully for homeostasis. Then imagine the Hoover Dam breaking and a flood of water crashes through your ecosystem, it would throw off the entire balance right? Adolesence, pre, peri and post menopause, trying to concieve, etc. They all need hormonal balance.

This program identifies the imbalances and we holistically work to correct it, naturally. No bio-identicals are prescribed, if those are needed we will refer you to one of our trusted specialists.

Bio-identicals are simply one piece of the hormone puzzle, we will work congruently with your bio-identical specialist to create optimal homestasis

1. Hormones 911:

5-month program-$4995 if paid in full (previous/current patients $4199)


-60 minute virtual discovery call

-2 specialty saliva tests (one entrance lab and 1 exit lab) to show effectiveness

-1 45 minutes Review of findings

-10   30-minutes telemed visits (twice a month for 5 months)

-5 month of meal plans (evaluated and adjusted each month)

-20% off of quality supplements

-HIPPA Compliant emailing during office hours

-Copy of Food Prescription Book (bound and mailed)

-High Priority Scheduling

-Includes Well World app

2. Hormones 911:

3-month Program-$3895 (previous/current patients $3150)


-60 minute virtual discovery call (paperwork pre-filled out already)

-3 months of meal planning

-1 specialty test (entrance test only)

1 45 minutes Review of findings

-6    30-minutes telemed visits (every 2 weeks to alter meal/supplements)

-20% off quality supplements

-High Priority scheduling

-Includes Well World app

-HIPPA Compliant emailing during office hours

Deep Detoxification

This program is specifically designed to literally pull toxins out of your system.

This is a cleanse on a massive scale. The goal here is cleansing the entire body and not just the GI tract. Our detox program is designed to get in and pull the toxins out of the gallbladder and liver. The program is intense and the detox system is a committment. Out of control Obesity levels in recent decades have led to a whole host of health problems,  many affecting the liver and body organs. The livers job is to filter, it has a big job already with filtering out pharmaceuticals,drugs,alcohol and environmental pollutants and pesticides. Diets with high calories, processed fats, sugars and starches will overwork the liver even more. The detox system uses specific natural herbs and vitamins to do this completely naturally.

1. Deep Detoxification:

3-month program-$3995 if paid in full (previous/current patients $3150)


-60 minute virtual discovery call (paperwork pre-filled out already)

-1 specialty lab to detect environmental stressors (heavy metals and pesticides)

-nutrient testing and food allergy

-1 45 minutes Review of findings

-6   30-minutes telemed visits (twice a month for 3 months)

-3 month of meal plans (evaluated and adjusted each month)

-20% off of Deep Detox System Supplements

-HIPPA Compliant emailing during office hours

–Copy of Food Prescription Book (bound and mailed)

-Includes well world app

2. Deep Detox:

6-week program-$2995 (previous/current patients $2199


-60 minute virtual discovery call (paperwork pre-filled out already)

-6 weeks of meal planning

– (1)Heavy metal/ environmental stressor testing

-Nutrient testing

1 45 minutes Review of findings

-6    30-minutes telemed visits (every 2 weeks to alter meal/supplements)

-20% off Deep Detox System supplements

-Includes Well World app

-HIPPA Compliant emailing during office hours



-$250 Per telemed visit

-10% off Lab testing

-10% off quality supplements

Post-Program Maintenance Memberships


-$250 Per telemed visit (30 minute visit)


-$400 per month

-2 30 minutes visits a month

-HIPPA compliant email Q and A during office hours

-20% off quality supplements

-Includes Well World app